Sunday, November 28, 2010

Week 2: India - Meditation and Other Impossible Things

Om Namah Shivaya. Om Namah Shivaya. Ohhhhmmmm... How do people do this all day? Ana and i decided to spend the morning at the temple, meditating and praying with the women. Twenty minutes later, my back and neck are sore, my, my leg is cramping, and I desperately have to use the ladies room. Ana is not in much better shape. Although meditation is not for me, I have a great respect for the women here who sit kneeling for hours on end in communion with God, completely oblivious, or maybe just immune to the world around them.

I can already feel a pull towards this country eventhough I don't share their religion, culture, or pretty much anything. Just walking through the streets this afternoon, I saw a family that seemed to embody the impossible state of perfection. The husband and wife were walking through the marketplace silently with their young children in tow. I remember going grocery shopping with my mom as a kid, and it was like pulling teeth. I hated it. But these kids didn't seem to mind. They quietly walked hand in hand, whispering a song to eachother while their parents bartered and bought. They seemed mature for their young age. If nothing else, I give these people props on raising their kids to respect.

For tips on meditating, go back to my blog and click on the video titled Tips for Meditating
Maybe my parents will take me to see the Taj Mahal!

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